Thursday, July 11, 2013

The story of the Disability Frequently Getting Ridiculous Questions

Illustration - A Disability
Sydney, "Do you have a vagina?" It sounds silly questions ever obtained Stella Young, a comedian who is also an editor. Stella did not expect to get a question like that.

Stella did have to sit in a wheelchair because of Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI), which causes bones to become brittle. But it certainly did not cause the condition of her vagina to be lost.

Quoted from, Thursday (07/11/2013), Stella admitted that he got the odd question from a woman on the train. How Stella reaction? Instead of getting angry, he instead chose to answer that question with a tone a little fun and turn it into a joke.

"It is much more satisfying because it could embarrass them and show how stupid they are," said Stella.

In contrast to Stella, Carly Findlay had ichthyosis that causes the skin to become red. He claimed to often get strange looks and questions are very sensitive time for him to go out of the house.

Last week, Findlay was responding to a question with a rude taxi drivers. The cause of the taxi driver said "you smell" and "What's wrong with your face?".

In response to this, the chairman of the disabled community, Craig Wallace said the claims that the people of the condition of a person with disabilities is a form of honesty. However, he hoped that the people should be more thoughtful before asking questions like that because many persons with disabilities who are not comfortable when outdoors.

According to Wallace, while a person with a disability to be the center of attention, the question that often arises is 'what's wrong with you?'.

"They will be curious about what happened," he said. Wallace added usually for children with disabilities such questions sounded more sensitive. He then described the experience of Alison Asher.

Asher Alishon daughter is six years old and do not want to be named, suffered Kinease Deficiency Pyruvate metabolism disorders. Therefore, the child often requires transfusions and skin turn yellow.

At that time Asher and daughter are shopping in the store and there was a man who repeatedly asked Asher, "Did you know he yellow? What's wrong with him and oh turns rotten teeth all". Asher responded by saying he was angry.

"Oh I do not know," Asher said, bending down and stared at the man. "And you sir, you look ugly, idiot, and your teeth smell. What's wrong with you?" he barked.

Of experiences that often occurs, UK charity Changing making guide for people who want to ask people with disabilities about their physical condition. When meeting with persons with disabilities, greet them and doing casual conversation. Express your interest to them, for example by having coffee with him.

Do not make 'what happened to you' as the first question. Wait until you know him well or until they tell their own situation.

If indeed you are still curious, which is preceded by a catapult question 'do you mind', such as 'do you mind if I ask what happened to you'. But, be prepared if they choose not to answer.

4 Head Signs Will Be Exposed Migraine Attacks

Illustration - migraine
Generally, migraine attacks are not lethal, but the impact can be very disturbing daily activities. In order not to panic when a sudden migraine attack, it's good to recognize the signs that appear before a migraine coming.

Symptoms that accompany migraine attacks are generally divided into 4 groups based on the time of occurrence, although not everyone experiences the four. For the first time a migraine attack, these stages may be difficult to identify.

Some of the symptoms in each phase of migraine is as follows as quoted from Huffingtonpost, Thursday (07/11/2013).

1. Prodrome Phase

The earliest stage of the migraine attack can appear 12-24 hours before the actual attack. At this stage, 60 percent of migraine sufferers have complaints such as diarrhea or constipation, increased appetite, trouble concentrating, irritable, restless, stiff muscles (especially in the neck), evaporated continues, more frequent urination, fatigue, depression or even euphoria.

2. Aura Phase

Headache next start will be felt in the second phase of the aura. Not all the experience, but an estimated 1 in 5 people will get through the migraine aura lasting 5-60 minutes. Symptoms include tingling in the arms, legs or face. Sometimes be accompanied by slurred speech and confusion.

3. Actual Attack Phase

In this phase, symptoms are most often experienced is the increased sensitivity to light, sound or even smell. Pain in the head will increasingly be exposed to a variety of stimuli such as. Unfortunately according to the Mayo Clinic, this attack can last up to 72 hours.

4. Phase Posdrome

Soon after migraine attack passed, the patient will experience this phase. Mark assortment, each person may experience different things. Most will experience fatigue such as running out of energy, some even feel the excitement. Some others felt dizzy and foggy.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Prison in California, the U.S. Alleged Acts Or Neuter Sterilization of Hundreds of Female Inmates?!

illustration (Photo: Thinkstock)

California, Prison in California, the U.S. alleged acts or neuter sterilization of hundreds of female inmates. Surprisingly, the decision was taken without the consent of the prisoner, even without the permission of the state. The case is currently under investigation officer.

According to the Center for Investigative Reporting, the forced sterilization acts occurred in 2006-2010. There are at least 148 women inmates in California who underwent tubectomy and estimated there are about 100 more who already live in the 1990s.

A document database containing medical services contract for state prisoners explained that from 1997 to 2010, the state pays doctors of U.S. $ 147,460 or approximately USD 1.46 billion for the procedure.

There are 2 institutions has begun and is suspected of committing such practices, the California Institution for Women in Corona and Valley State Prison for Women in Chowchilla prison who is now a man. Surprisingly, there are female prisoners who undergo the surgery while pregnant.

Former inmates and officers reported that the prison medical staff to target women who are considered to have the possibility to come back again later jailed. A former staff who worked at the prison hospital in 2007 named Crystal Nguyen (28) claim often heard to ask the medical staff out of jail inmates are to be sterilized.

One former inmate at Valley State also confirmed it. Christina Cordero (34) were imprisoned for 2 years for theft of this car gave birth to a boy in October 2006. He said that the OB-GYN physician named Dr. James Heinrich repeatedly forced him to undergo tubectomy.

"As soon as he knew that I had 5 children, he suggested that I want to live it. Closer to my release date, the more she talked about it. He made me feel like a bad mother if I do not do it," said Cordero as reported NewSer, Tuesday (09/07/2013).

Cordero was released in 2008 and now lives in Upland, California. He would eventually undergo tubectomy, even though she wished never did. Similar practices have actually been done about 50 years ago for inmates, mentally ill patients and poor people in California, but was officially banned in 1979.

When dikonirmasi, Dr. Heinrich (69) said that he was providing services to poor women who face health risks in subsequent pregnancies because once a cesarean section. He denied forcing anyone and said he was surprised when the doctor told peg the cost to perform the operation.

One manager of Valley State Prison in 2005 - 2008, Daun Martin, responded that the operation is empowering for women prisoners. But it admitted giving the same options as free women in general.

Martin, who is a licensed psychologist is also claimed that some women, especially those addicted to drugs or homeless, tend to accidentally get pregnant and then commit a crime so they can get back to the jail to get better health care.

"Did I criticize the women who manipulate the system because they are pregnant? Of course not. But I do not think it should happen. And I want to find ways to reduce them," said Martin.

He also denied having approved the tubectomy operation on female prisoners, but the document says there are at least 60 tubectomy procedures performed at Valley State when Martin served there. His partner in prison California Institution for Women, Dr. Jacqueline Long, declined to comment.

Former prison officer in Corona, William Kelsey, said that there is disagreement among the staff for implementing such procedures. Some officers disagreed with the medical team for treatment of tubal ligation is considered unimportant, and questioned why the state should pay for it.

Beware, Obesity Can Also Increase Cancer Risk!

ilustration : Photo

Tokyo, It is common knowledge that people who are obese are prone to diabetes, heart attack, and stroke. Not only that, obesity can also increase the risk of some types of cancer such as cancer of the esophagus, colorectal, pancreatic, and other cancers.

The researchers found a correlation between obesity and the likelihood of a person developing liver cancer. Obesity causes significant changes in the microbes living in the gut. Changes in the microbes to stimulate existing bacteria release chemicals that damage DNA and cause tumor progression.

Written in the journal Nature, a team of researchers led by Eiji Hara of the Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research in Tokyo explains how they induce cancer in mice by giving newborn pups with carcinogens. Carcinogen known to produce various types of tumors.

Then, they gave half of the rats eating a normal diet and the other half with the high-fat diet. All mice fed a high-fat diet, liver cancer cells growing. While mice on a normal diet did not. Separately, researchers also gave a carcinogen in mice that are genetically obese and they are not given a high-fat diet. As a result, the cancer cells spread well. This suggests that obesitaslah that cause cancer, not diets fed to rats.

The research team also uses the signal to track bioluminscent chemicals in mice that causes the cell closures as the network age. Found that mice with a greater risk of liver cancer, contain more chemicals such. Cancer is also associated with dementia.

Researchers found certain bacteria in obese mice. In subsequent experiments, the bacteria secreted with bile acids and produce deoxycholic acid (DCA), which can damage DNA and create a senile person.

Giving antibiotics to eliminate microbial DCA shown to reduce the risk of liver cancer. "It is clear that the increased production of DCA caused by intestinal bacteria that is closely linked to obesity and liver cancer," write the authors of the study, as reported by the LA Times, Tuesday (09/07/2013).

In an editorial accompanying the study, Harvard researchers, Suzanne Devkota and Peter J. Turnbaugh said that Japanese scientists found a reasonable relationship between DCA and liver cancer. "Metabolism of bile acids and microbes can create a mechanism that resulted in disaster for our health, and it all resulted from our behavior at the dinner table," they wrote.

The study also shows how the microbes living in the human body affects health for the better or worse.

Best Trick Eliminate Mosquito Bite Itching Due in Minute Counts

ilustration : Photo

Mosquito is a small animal that causes the most deaths in the world. Although not all harmful, irritating mosquito bites as well as itching and red leaves. But not to worry, there is a trick that can relieve itching in just minutes.

The best thing to do is completely avoid mosquito bites by using mosquito repellent lotion or insect repellent. But when the inevitable mosquito bites, then you should find a quick way to relieve itching. The secret weapon in your kitchen, the metal spoon.

First, dip the spoon with hot water. No need to boil water, enough to heat but do not make the skin blister. Next, press the spoon that had been heated to itchy skin for a few minutes. When you lift the spoon then the itch will soon disappear.

There is no magic or psychic powers are at work here, like a magic show that can bend spoons. When it bites a person, the mosquito injects protein under the skin while sucking blood. Protein is what causes skin irritation and itching.

Well, the heat from the metal spoon was effective to solve the protein, thereby eliminating the itching of the skin in an instant, as reported Rocketnews24, Tuesday (09/07/2013).

However, the former red welts or bites may still be visible for some time. But most importantly, no more irritating itching bites little mosquitoes.

8 Tips How to Lose Weight After Operation Caesar

Jakarta, It's a natural thing when gained a few pounds during pregnancy. But not all women can easily lose weight after childbirth, especially if you perform a cesarean section. But do not give up, some down effective exercise.

Weight loss after giving birth by caesarean way typically slower than normal delivery. Therefore, caesar not allow the mother to begin physical exercise immediately. In addition, the scar on your stomach making it harder to get a flat stomach.

It took 1 to 3 months to recover after cesarean. Women should start with some basic exercises. These exercises work on the stomach and also strengthens the muscles of the body. Exercise after Caesarean should take into account the fact that the abdominal muscles are still soft, you can not do heavy exercises such as ab crunches immediately.

Here are some weight loss exercises that are suitable for postnatal mother-section, as reported Boldsky, Saturday (06/29/2013):

1. Brisk walking
After a caesarean birth, walking is one of the best exercises for you. It is safe and also helps warm up the muscles. Women after surgery has not been strong enough to run, so a brisk walk will help you lose weight.

2. Light aerobic
Light aerobic exercise for weight loss after giving birth caesarean. Music will entertain you and also will make the body sweat.

3. Tummy Twirls
This exercise is done with motion hulahoop but without putting the circle in the stomach. It helps to move the abdominal muscles without putting too much pressure.

4. Yoga poses bridge (Bridge Pose)
With the bridge pose yoga is ideal for women after childbirth. First lie on your back and then lift the body with folded legs and hands without abdominal muscles. Exercise after Caesarean can strengthen your back.

5. Pelvic floor exercises
Until you are strong enough to do sit-ups again, doing pelvic floor exercises. Lying on the floor and pull your belly and navel strong, hold for 30 seconds and release.

6. Swim
After giving birth pressure, you will find the swimming pool is a very relaxing place. Water will provide buoyancy to the body and swimming is one of the best exercises to lose weight because it works on all the muscles of the body.

7. Spot jogging
Mothers who can not leave the house by leaving her baby alone, can try to spot jogging or jogging in place. Standing in one place and started to run. This will give some cardio exercise and loosen stressed muscles.

8. Skipping
Once the body is strong enough, you can do exercises such as jumping rope or skipping. This will help train your leg muscles as well as weight loss.

Children dress up Ala High School, Mother Substitute Son Follow English Test

Paris, legitimate parents help their children learn. When children have difficulty doing homework (homework), then the parent can provide assistance. But if the child does not master any of the subjects and the parents then become 'jockey' to test her, certainly can not be justified.

Ilustration Picture
As did the 52-year-old woman. On the day of her English exam, she was dressed up like a high school student. With models wearing low-rise jeans, Converse sneakers, and thick makeup to cover wrinkles smooth, this mother to 'jockey' his English exam.

Based on reports Le Parisien, the woman identified as Caroline D. Caroline sat with other people and working on 'le bac', final exams for high school students in France to be taken before applying to university. Thus quoted from huffingtonpost, Monday (24/06/2013).

Invigilator saw Caroline looks very suspicious. The officer eventually told school officials and local police. Very slowly, the woman pulled out of the exam room after two hours of the exam. This is done so as not to disturb other examinees.

To the officer, Caroline confessed to cheating. He was forced to do so in an effort to improve her score. Because of his actions, Caroline faces charges of fraud. Meanwhile Caroline also affected children are not allowed to take the exam because the official up to 5 years.

School exams is made mostly school children, especially teenagers who are still unstable, it becomes easy to panic and stress. To help cope with stress by replacing the child's kids not doing the test, but parents should encourage children to set the time, eat and sleep well, exercise, and ask for help when they need it. Parents can also better understand the behavior, mood in times of stress.

Quoted from militaryschoolalternatives, here are some things that parents can do when his teenage son or daughter are facing stress ahead of the exam:

1. Involved in the learning process

Parents need to be involved in the learning process of adolescents. The best thing is just to listen. That teenagers are looking for is your presence, to talk, cry or just to sit with them while learning to be calm. Communicate openly with your teen, to encourage young people to express their concerns and fears, but do not let them focus on fear.

Help support your teen do the best, but try not to push or make her feel that you will be disappointed if he did not do the best thing.

Trying to cram all the information at the last minute will only cause stress your teen. Set realistic targets for learning aids to prevent stress and improve your teen learning process.

2. Provide a quiet atmosphere for learning

Sediakankan place or quiet space for your son or daughter learn. You can also help him learn when he asked her.

3. Provide nutritious foods

It's important for your teenager to eat a healthy and balanced at the time of the exam in order to stay focused and do my best. Stress before the exam can make some teens lose their appetite.

4. Help your child to relax

Make sure your child gets enough sleep before the exam. Make him feel relaxed and calm. Make sure also that he did exercise can reduce stress.

5. Show a positive attitude

Parental attitudes will determine adolescent emotions. If you panic it will make children more depressed and increase stress. Create teens feel welcome and appreciate any effort that does. Most importantly, make sure your teen that everything will be okay, no matter what the outcome.

Monday, July 8, 2013

If Mother Depression, Just Leave Your Son to Day Care For While

Jakarta, Depression not only can hurt a woman's mental life, but also affect the condition of the family, especially his children. Moreover, if the age of the child is still too young. But a new study says this can be resolved by entrusting the child to day care first, if the mother is depressed 'relapse'.


The conclusion was obtained after investigators observed symptoms of emotional distress on 1,759 children aged between five months and five years (such as anxiety when separated from her parents and inability to socialize with other children) after a 17-month-old participants. Researchers also followed the mothers of the participants and look for the symptoms of depression that possessed these mothers, in addition to observe whether the participants are often cared for by relatives, in addition to use of services entrusted to the babysitter or day care.

Once adjusted to the statistical results are not affected other factors, researchers found that only 12 percent of children of mothers who did not have depression with symptoms of emotional distress. But the figure rose to 32 percent among children whose mothers were depressed and did not routinely receive care from anyone, except from his own mother.

This was stated researcher Catherine Herba, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Quebec, Montreal. "Even so, the figure dropped to seven percent among children whose mothers were depressed but they were placed in day care. While children whose mothers were depressed but cared for by relatives or a babysitter emotional distress decreased down to 15-18 percent," said Herba as reported by WebMD, Thursday (06/20/2013).

Responding to the study, Susan Campbell, a professor of psychology at the University of Pittsburgh, USA explains, "Although it's difficult to understand how depression influences a mother to her children, but mothers are depressed are more likely to wash their hands, inconsistent, negative thinking, lack of responsiveness and not show warmth and support as well as mothers who did not have depression to his children. "

But it seems by Campbell, day care can provide toys, activities and opportunities for children whose mothers were depressed to socialize with other children while they try to avoid the effects of depression experienced by her mother for a moment.

Fat and Have No Lover, Men's Cuts Weight 31 Kg in 5 Months

Jakarta, Ben Davis (21), has a great body with the weight reached 127 kg. With this weight, he would not have to worry lover. Until finally he managed to lose weight in 5 months.

 Young men who came from Rochford, Essex, has been often drew boos since the school. During that time he felt awkward and shy to say hello to the girls in the school, as reported by the Daily Mail, Monday (07/08/2013).

Not only when walking, Ben often run out of breath while climbing stairs. This is what also makes it often teased by his friends. Even so, this does not make it necessarily intend to keep his diet, especially for weight loss.

After finishing school, Ben is still often went out at night with her friends and eating at fast food restaurants. Ben always choose to eat at places like McDonald's. In addition, he is also very fond of chocolate and fried foods.
This bad habit growing to make weight. Even so, his flight back to the foods that are not healthy. Ben was not able to pull himself out of an unhealthy lifestyle.

"I feel I can not help myself. I still eat foods that I know are not healthy and do not do any sports," said Ben.

"My breasts can even be fairly large. Felt ashamed every time I would go swimming. I do not want people to see me," he continued.

His cousin then invited to present to a bodybuilding show. Ben is very interested, but he realizes that he can not form his body if he is not to lose weight first. He then capturing the information on the internet about how to lose weight safely.

Ben also started doing high-protein diet and fitness. In 5 months she managed to lose weight 31 kg. At that time, Ben began to seriously want to lose weight and she slowly learned more about diet and nutrition. He stopped eating fast food, chocolate, sweets, and all kinds of fried food.

One day, Ben attended a family party. At the party, he met a girl named Fern (18). The girl who is now training to be a hairdresser was approached Ben and reveals how he was attracted to Ben. This would make Ben feel awkward and unsure. Because all his life he had never even dealt with a girl.

"I could not believe it when Fern said that he saw me as someone who is healthy. Though I actually hate my own body and I do not understand how could he be interested in me," said Ben.

Although Ben felt like it, in fact Fern thought that Ben was amazing. After they chatted at the party, Fern felt very comfortable around Ben. After that conversation, Ben shows a photo of himself when he was fat, but it did not change the view of Fern against him. Both are very attracted to each other.

Now, Ben and Fern a more serious relationship. Both are like each other's personalities and Ben are now beginning to believe myself. He began to set the intention to keep the weight remains normal with a healthy lifestyle and keep doing bodybuilding exercises.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Short Vacation Precisely More Powerful 'Treat' Stress

Alabama, routine work often triggers stress. If you have this, could be an option for holiday stress relief. But you do not need long-long vacation, a short vacation because it is more effective 'cure' stress.

"Despite being in the bottom half holiday stressors, but the elements contained in such holiday travels, sleep disturbances and changes in diet can make a person's stress," said assistant professor in the Department of Psychology, University of Alabama Birmingham, USA. Thus quoted from ANI News, Monday (8 / / 2013).

He said studies have shown that people who go on vacation in a short time be happier. Therefore, Robinson recommends that people take a short trip rather than making a long vacation.

Conducted in spontaneous holiday weekend, according to Robinson is a good idea to eliminate stress. If you go out for a night of fun in a place with family or friends, it's good in the morning you just rest.

Robinson added camping, doing relaxing activities in the evening with family, golfing, going to the beach, or a short stroll with friends can provide positive benefits on a person's mental condition. So no need to go all the way and do the holidays so long to eliminate stress.

"I found that regularly taking the time to sit with my friends helped me reduce stress, and this is much better than a vacation with a lot of planning," said Robinson.

Leisure activity one person to another is different. But a little time can make a person leave a short routine can help reduce stress.

Beware, This result When Too Clean Shaven Pubic Hair

Jakarta, One effort to maintain the cleanliness of the genitals is by shaving the pubic hair or pubic hair around. But be careful, recklessly shave this area can lead to irritation and increase the risk of genital infections.

A study published in the journal Sexually Transmitted Infections associate with the risk of transmission of molluscum contagiosum. Was triggered by a viral infection and can be transmitted sexually, especially if there is irritation in the genital area.

The researchers say shaving the pubic hair until he can be irritating or even micro wounds on the skin surface. These injuries can be the entry point for any infections, including molluscum contagiosum as revealed in the study.

"Increased risks also apply to other types of infections such as genital warts caused by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) and genital herpes," said Francois Desruelles, MD, who led the study as quoted from, Monday (07/08/2013).

To reduce these risks, Dr. Desruelles, further recommend to cut the pubic hair with scissors. Leave a few millimeters and apply a moisturizer to prevent itching and irritation that can lead to sores on the skin surface.

Another risk of shaving pubic hair is too short or even until the hair grows out is reversed. Hair growth will reverse piercing the skin, ingrown and trigger swelling or can even lead to infection.

Although there is a risk of disease transmission when shaving pubic hair, does not mean that section may be left 'longish' not maintained. Pubic hair is too thick it could certainly be a nest of germs if not kept clean.

What To Do When Looking At Person Having Heart Disease?

Indonesia, heart attacks often occur suddenly and can be fatal. Patients must race against time to save his life. In urban areas are often jammed, traffic condition often becomes an obstacle. So what can be done when an emergency?

"If the patient into unconsciousness and cardiac arrest ya need CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation). But if there is no previous training, hard. Especially in our (Indonesian), CPR training is almost zero," said Dr. Dick Hanafi, SpJP (K), FIHA , heart specialists in Mother Hospital, Jakarta.

In the event Gathering Medical and Heart Centre Soft Launching Mother held on Mother Hospital, Menteng, Central Jakarta, and was written on Monday (08/07/2013), Dr. Dicky explained that in developed countries, traning CPR is a requirement to receive SIM. In contrast to Indonesia, to obtain the applicant's driver's license was still able to 'shoot'.

"As for the layman, it is generally not much that can be done to save the patient's heart attack, it could make a late handling patient was taken to the proper treatment," said Dr. Dick.

Therefore, Dr. Dick argues that better efforts are focused on finding ways to carry and transport the patient to the hospital as soon as possible. Usually some hospitals have emergency team. This probably needs to be constrained in collaboration with the office in order to get the fast service.

"Implementation of CPR is difficult for the layman. We can prepare oxygen used for initial treatment. So should prepare oxygen in office. Due heart deprived of oxygen, it is expected that no part of the body gets more oxygen faster," he explained.

Giving CPR course is actually very necessary. For the wider community, it is useful because it can be used to help others. Unfortunately, the educational importance of handling emergency patients in Indonesia is still very minimal. But for those who want to practice, can take lessons at the Red Cross and hospitals.

Whereas in cardiac patients, the bottom line is no one can predict how long a patient can survive. If an attack happens quite large, the patient could have died instantly. However, not a few patients who can still be saved, as long as a doctor to get treatment as soon as possible.

"Time is a maximum of 12 hours for those who still survive from a heart attack. Thereafter, permanent damage to his heart so that his life will also be less good," said Dr. Dick.

Best treatment for heart attack patients is under 3 hours, usually because the damage can still be repaired with almost perfect. At 6 hours after the attack, the damage is still small.

"But in the 12 hours, most patients have been exposed to heart failure or a weak heart. So it's not just a matter of saving lives alone. Handling heart if late, to heart failure, heart failure and already congested road a bit, sorry for all patients," said Dr. Dick

Sunlight to Make Drivers Face Left Older Than Right Side

Jakarta, good sun exposure to increase vitamin D levels that are beneficial to the body. But on the other hand, can make the generated radiation damaged skin. For example in the case of a man who left his face look older than his right side.

Driver's Face
Scientific journal The New England Journal of Medicine published a shocking photo depicting the face of a 69-year-old man. The man who worked as a truck driver this experience dermatoheliosis unilateral, ie severe skin damage caused by ultraviolet light exposure on one side of the face.

Face of the left side of the unnamed driver was experiencing premature aging, or aging prematurely, because sun-damaged. Ultraviolet A rays cause is penetrating the driver's side window. Although the windows are closed tightly each day, the sun can still penetrate.

As reported by the New York Daily News, Sunday (07/07/2013), the man driving a delivery truck since 28 years ago. During that time, ultraviolet A rays penetrate window glass and on the left side of her face throughout the day, thus damaging the outer layers and sub-layers of the skin.

Not only that, he also had thickening and sagging skin are broad because the elastic fibers in the left side of his face was crushed. Although there were no skin cancer, dermatoheliosis specific mutations known to be associated with that can lead to melanoma, a type of skin cancer.

Place the driver on a vehicle in Europe is generally located on the left, in contrast to Asian vehicle wheel on the right. This is why the face is damaged on the driver is on the left. While the right side of the face that is always on the inside of the truck is not directly exposed to sunlight, so no damage.

According to doctors, the condition experienced by men like Favre-Racouchot syndrome, which is a skin disease characterized by white lumps or cysts and large lumps of meat, as well as blackheads. To prevent further damage, men are advised to use sun block, topical retinoids and undergo regular checkups to monitor the onset of skin cancer.

Crazy, Man In The UK and The U.S. and Endeavor Voluntary HIV Infected ?

London, At the moment scientists around the world attempt to treat HIV infection that causes AIDS are deadly, some people in the UK and the U.S. and would like to volunteer instead contracted the disease. In fact, this action turned into a horrible trend called 'bug chaser'.

According to one British citizen who voluntarily acquire HIV, call Nick (30), there are hundreds of men have been meeting in online forums, Facebook and Twitter to find and spread HIV. This trend began in the U.S. as an unusual way to get sexual satisfaction.

As reported by the Daily Mirror, Monday (08/07/2013), Nick said that in online forums, many people who meet and try to transmit the deadly virus. In fact, some bug chaser claim this dangerous disease even improve the quality of life of having to take medication regularly.

"I feel fit as a fiddle. Was full of energy and I feel healthier because of taking medicine. Liver function I checked every 3 months, my cholesterol checked regularly and my many general health checkup so that if there is a strange condition, I immediately knew," said Nick the day-to-day work as the admin of this company.

Ironically, Nick from the Midlands city admitted that he get the medical examination obtained free of charge at government health centers of Britain or the National Health Service (NHS).

In 2012, a total of 73 659 people in the UK being treated for HIV infection. As many as 43 percent of whom are gay or bisexual. This figure has increased 58 percent over the last 10 years. In the same year, the British government spent 840 million pounds, or around Rp 12.4 trillion for the treatment of HIV with an average of 10,000 pounds or approximately USD 148 million per patient.

"This practice is very scary and very irresponsible. What we see, the more there are many cases of treatment failure and rapidly declining health conditions," said Simon Prytherch of the Elton John Aids Foundation.

In the U.S., this phenomenon is believed first appeared in 1999. Investigations conducted by Rolling Stone magazine in 2003 claimed, a quarter of all new HIV infections in the U.S. related to the phenomenon of the rise of the bug chaser.

In the UK, a similar inquiry or investigation has not been done. But a Facebook group created to facilitate the bug chaser has been like by 1,172 people. While in the U.S., a site that became the meeting point of people infected with the bug chaser has had more than 5,000 members.

Nick who contracted HIV while in 2011 it had joined the site about 2 years ago. In order to catch the disease, he admitted having unprotected sex with more than 1,000 men, most of whom he knew HIV positive.

When first diagnosed with HIV, Nick wrote on his Facebook "Tested positive on 21st September and totally loving it! Wanna share with any chasers, CD4 is 971, VL 100,000 - nice and toxic!" or means "Tested positive on September 21 and absolutely loved it! Want to share with the hunter, his CD4 971, VL 100,000 - good and poisonous"!

CD4 count refers to the number of white blood cells, whereas VL stands for 'viral load' which indicates how likely a person will transmit the virus to others. Viral Load on the figure of 100,000 as of very high transmission. Since diagnosis, Nick admitted that he had unprotected sex with 20 men.

Meanwhile, The Terence Higgins Trust, a charity concerned with the issue of HIV / AIDS response that although only a small percentage of people who participate in this dangerous activity, they recommend to gay and bisexual men to protect themselves from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections with wear a condom.

Expectant Mother Allowed To Eat Processed Fish Meat, If ..?

Said many contaminated meat and fish can be dangerous for pregnant women, especially when eaten in the raw state or undercooked. In fact, pregnant women need the nutrients contained in fish flesh. How to outsmart?
Processed Fish Meat

"Pregnant women really need omega 3. Because, the first time the fetus is growing on nerves, while the basic ingredients are omega 3. If pregnant women do not consume enough omega 3, then the child will be a neurodevelopmental not optimal," said Rita Ramayulis, DCN , Kes, nutrition expert.

This was revealed by Rita in talk show 'Mom & Me: The Facts and Myths Salmon', which was held in the Atrium Senayan City, Jl Asia Afrika, Jakarta, and was written on Sunday (07/07/2013).

According to Rita who completed graduate studies majoring in Clinical Nutrition at the University of Gadjah Mada, omega 3 found in fish such as salmon. Salmon with good quality is safe for consumption by pregnant women.

"Processing by frying is not recommended. Because will oxidize its omega 3 content. If desired, pregnant women can process it in a way saute for about 3 minutes, either with cooking oil or margarine," said Rita.

Moreover, to keep in mind is that getting closer to the head, the body parts of salmon, the higher its content of omega 3. So how do I recognize that salmon are free of contamination and safe for pregnant women?

"When the fish is still intact condition, complete with gills and entrails, first try pressing the flesh. If long back, then the fish is not fresh. Secondly, refer to the gills. Gills of fish is free of contamination of fresh pink, not dark. And Third, observe the eyes. If the fish eye already looks flabby, then the salmon was not fresh, "said Rita, who is now active as a lecturer in the Department of Nutrition Health Polytechnic Jakarta II.

So also for nursing mothers, Rita insists that the lower fatty acid is supplied to the mother to the baby through breast milk. If the mother does not consume enough omega 3, then certainly a breastfeeding mother also does not contain any given enough omega 3 for the baby.

"As with proteins, although mothers do not consume enough protein, babies still get protein. Because the protein is taken from the mother's breast milk. That's why, omega 3 essential satisfied by breastfeeding mothers," said Rita.

Besides good for the kids, the nutrients found in fish like salmon iodine, protein, selenium, omega 3, vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin B12 are also excellent for pregnant and lactating women consumed.

Eat 2-3 servings of salmon processed each week for optimal results. Importantly, do not forget to choose fish that are still fresh and free from contamination.

Diseases Can Be Cured by Sex

There have been many studies proving that sexual intercourse at an official partner provides many health benefits. In addition to giving pleasure, sex can also be a fun way to cure the disease.

Not simply a matter of romance, intimate relationships with their spouses can be a healthful physical activity, for both men and women. Sex can help cure some health problems, such as incontinence, flu, headaches, and even irregular menstrual cycles.

Complete, the following are some diseases that can be cured by making love industrious, as reported by LIVESTRONG on Saturday (07/06/2013):

1. Incontinence (could not resist the urge to urinate)

Regular sexual intercourse helps to strengthen the pelvic floor, which controls the release of urine. For women who experience incontinence, regular sex can flex muscles sensitive to avoid pee in my pants. Strong pelvic muscles tantamount urinary system work better.

2. Migraine

Pain and nausea due to migraine can rule out intercourse, but science suggests sex can reduce the pain. According to a 2001 study published in Headache, women who have sex regularly, migraine complaints can be reduced by 30 percent. If medications fail to provide relief, sex itself may heal.

3. Dry skin and dull

Forget bleach or other moisturizing creams, and even sex can cure skin dull. Regular sex causes more blood through the body. As a result, the skin fresh, toned and radiant.

4. Flu

Want to cure the flu? Sex can be the coolest way. Sex work diligently with immunoglobulin A increases during sexual intercourse, which is an important antibodies that help fight viruses that cause the flu.

5. Launched the menstrual cycle

Women who have sex at least once a week, can reap the benefits with irregular menstrual cycles. It is unclear why this occurs, but studies show that women have fewer sex regular menstrual irregularity.

Salmon Fish Mercury Containing Hazardous to Health, Really?

Jakarta, Nutrition in the flesh of fish are known to help the optimal growth and brain development of children, one of them in salmon. That said, salmon dangerous for health because it contains mercury. Is this true?
Salmon Fish 
"The fish containing mercury is consumed by humans should not because it could be a bad influence on health. However, are not included in the salmon fish that contain high mercury," said Rita Ramayulis, DCN, Kes, nutrition expert.

This was revealed by Rita in talk show 'Mom & Me: The Facts and Myths Salmon', which was held in the Atrium Senayan City, Jl Asia Afrika, Jakarta, Saturday (07/06/2013).

According to Rita, it is just a myth. Salmon is one fish that has mercury levels are very low, so it is safe to be consumed every day.

"The myths about the salmon was widely circulated among the people. So salmon meat consumption is still very low. Though salmon are not dangerous," said Rita.

Salmon, salmon fishing in particular kinds of Norway, said Rita contain vitamin D which is very good for children. Therefore, Norway is known for having a cold water environment makes a bigger fish than salmon salmon that live in water with normal temperature.

"Norwegian salmon is also good to be consumed by various means of processing. Because vitamin D is found in salmon Norway remains the same even if consumed raw or cooked," said Rita who is now active as a lecturer in the Department of Nutrition Health Polytechnic Jakarta II.

Colorful Vegetables for Skin Care

Smooth and shiny skin would be the desire of many women. No need to bother to the salon to do treatment, because fresh vegetables are able to make your hair shiny and skin.

Some vegetables can make your hair shine and skin because it contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that will provide optimal health throughout life.

Here are a few vegetables that give more benefits to skin and hair health, as reported by LIVESTRONG on Friday (07/05/2013):

1. Orange and yellow vegetables

Orange vegetables contain beta-carotene which is the pigmentation and antioxidants (carotenoids) that can boost the immune system, which in turn can help promote hair growth and healthy skin. Yellow vegetables also contain carotenoids and has many benefits as well as orange-colored vegetables.

In addition, this brightly colored vegetables also contain lots of vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, flavonoids and other nutrients such as calcium and potassium in varying amounts.

Some orange and yellow vegetables are carrots, pumpkin, yellow peppers, yellow potatoes and sweet potatoes, pumpkin, sweet corn, tomatoes yellow and orange tomatoes.

2. Greens

Green vegetables contain high fiber, low fat, rich in folic acid, vitamin C, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. It also contains a number of phytochemicals such as lutein, beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene.

The content of this contributes to a healthy immune system and then can help the performance of the body and promote hair growth and healthy skin.

There are lots of green vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, peas, green beans, cucumbers, green peppers, asparagus, lima beans and celery.

3. Red vegetables

Many red vegetables contain phytochemicals, which can reduce free radicals cause havoc to the skin and hair. In addition, red-colored vegetables contain lycopene, the phytochemical that gives certain red color and is a powerful antioxidant that is needed for overall body health.

Some red colored vegetables include tomatoes, red peppers and red onions.

What is Tonsils (tonsillitis)?

Tonsils are infection (inflammation) tonsils (tonsillitis) caused by a virus. It usually affects children aged 5-15 years. Based on a long infected, the tonsils can be divided into 2; acute tonsillitis and chronic tonsillitis. Tonsils is called acute if the illness lasts less than 3 weeks and chronic tonsillitis in case of 7 times or more in a year, or five times over two years, three times a year in a row.

Tonsils (tonsils) is caused by an infection, virus, recurrent flu, and strep throat. If such a thing happens then it will be enlarged tonsils.

Symptoms of tonsillitis

Symptoms of tonsillitis include; sufferers feel tegorokan feels dry, or feeling lump in the throat (neck), painful swallowing (swallowing saliva or food and beverage) to become lazy eating, pain may spread to the neck and ears.

Other symptoms include fever, headache, sometimes chills, weakness, muscle pain with cough, runny nose, hoarseness, halitosis, nausea, abdominal pain sometimes, enlarged lymph nodes (lymph nodes) in the neck. Sometimes patients with tonsillitis (chronic) snoring during sleep (especially if accompanied by enlarged adenoid glands (glands located in the wall between the throat and the back of the nasal cavity). 

The symptoms can be determined if the patient examination. At the time of inspection, it was found enlarged tonsils (tonsillectomy), red, white patches sometimes encountered (exudate) on the surface of the tonsils, the red color which signifies inflammation around the tonsils and throat.

Tonsil Treatment

There is no specific way to prevent tonsil. But some of the tips below help to avoid the tonsils;

1. Wash your hands frequently to prevent the spread of micro-organisms that can cause tonsillitis.

2. Avoid contact with infected persons tanggorokan, at least until 24 hours after the patient's throat infection (caused by bacteria) get antibiotics.