Sunday, July 7, 2013

Short Vacation Precisely More Powerful 'Treat' Stress

Alabama, routine work often triggers stress. If you have this, could be an option for holiday stress relief. But you do not need long-long vacation, a short vacation because it is more effective 'cure' stress.

"Despite being in the bottom half holiday stressors, but the elements contained in such holiday travels, sleep disturbances and changes in diet can make a person's stress," said assistant professor in the Department of Psychology, University of Alabama Birmingham, USA. Thus quoted from ANI News, Monday (8 / / 2013).

He said studies have shown that people who go on vacation in a short time be happier. Therefore, Robinson recommends that people take a short trip rather than making a long vacation.

Conducted in spontaneous holiday weekend, according to Robinson is a good idea to eliminate stress. If you go out for a night of fun in a place with family or friends, it's good in the morning you just rest.

Robinson added camping, doing relaxing activities in the evening with family, golfing, going to the beach, or a short stroll with friends can provide positive benefits on a person's mental condition. So no need to go all the way and do the holidays so long to eliminate stress.

"I found that regularly taking the time to sit with my friends helped me reduce stress, and this is much better than a vacation with a lot of planning," said Robinson.

Leisure activity one person to another is different. But a little time can make a person leave a short routine can help reduce stress.

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