Sunday, July 7, 2013

What is Tonsils (tonsillitis)?

Tonsils are infection (inflammation) tonsils (tonsillitis) caused by a virus. It usually affects children aged 5-15 years. Based on a long infected, the tonsils can be divided into 2; acute tonsillitis and chronic tonsillitis. Tonsils is called acute if the illness lasts less than 3 weeks and chronic tonsillitis in case of 7 times or more in a year, or five times over two years, three times a year in a row.

Tonsils (tonsils) is caused by an infection, virus, recurrent flu, and strep throat. If such a thing happens then it will be enlarged tonsils.

Symptoms of tonsillitis

Symptoms of tonsillitis include; sufferers feel tegorokan feels dry, or feeling lump in the throat (neck), painful swallowing (swallowing saliva or food and beverage) to become lazy eating, pain may spread to the neck and ears.

Other symptoms include fever, headache, sometimes chills, weakness, muscle pain with cough, runny nose, hoarseness, halitosis, nausea, abdominal pain sometimes, enlarged lymph nodes (lymph nodes) in the neck. Sometimes patients with tonsillitis (chronic) snoring during sleep (especially if accompanied by enlarged adenoid glands (glands located in the wall between the throat and the back of the nasal cavity). 

The symptoms can be determined if the patient examination. At the time of inspection, it was found enlarged tonsils (tonsillectomy), red, white patches sometimes encountered (exudate) on the surface of the tonsils, the red color which signifies inflammation around the tonsils and throat.

Tonsil Treatment

There is no specific way to prevent tonsil. But some of the tips below help to avoid the tonsils;

1. Wash your hands frequently to prevent the spread of micro-organisms that can cause tonsillitis.

2. Avoid contact with infected persons tanggorokan, at least until 24 hours after the patient's throat infection (caused by bacteria) get antibiotics.

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