Sunday, July 7, 2013

Expectant Mother Allowed To Eat Processed Fish Meat, If ..?

Said many contaminated meat and fish can be dangerous for pregnant women, especially when eaten in the raw state or undercooked. In fact, pregnant women need the nutrients contained in fish flesh. How to outsmart?
Processed Fish Meat

"Pregnant women really need omega 3. Because, the first time the fetus is growing on nerves, while the basic ingredients are omega 3. If pregnant women do not consume enough omega 3, then the child will be a neurodevelopmental not optimal," said Rita Ramayulis, DCN , Kes, nutrition expert.

This was revealed by Rita in talk show 'Mom & Me: The Facts and Myths Salmon', which was held in the Atrium Senayan City, Jl Asia Afrika, Jakarta, and was written on Sunday (07/07/2013).

According to Rita who completed graduate studies majoring in Clinical Nutrition at the University of Gadjah Mada, omega 3 found in fish such as salmon. Salmon with good quality is safe for consumption by pregnant women.

"Processing by frying is not recommended. Because will oxidize its omega 3 content. If desired, pregnant women can process it in a way saute for about 3 minutes, either with cooking oil or margarine," said Rita.

Moreover, to keep in mind is that getting closer to the head, the body parts of salmon, the higher its content of omega 3. So how do I recognize that salmon are free of contamination and safe for pregnant women?

"When the fish is still intact condition, complete with gills and entrails, first try pressing the flesh. If long back, then the fish is not fresh. Secondly, refer to the gills. Gills of fish is free of contamination of fresh pink, not dark. And Third, observe the eyes. If the fish eye already looks flabby, then the salmon was not fresh, "said Rita, who is now active as a lecturer in the Department of Nutrition Health Polytechnic Jakarta II.

So also for nursing mothers, Rita insists that the lower fatty acid is supplied to the mother to the baby through breast milk. If the mother does not consume enough omega 3, then certainly a breastfeeding mother also does not contain any given enough omega 3 for the baby.

"As with proteins, although mothers do not consume enough protein, babies still get protein. Because the protein is taken from the mother's breast milk. That's why, omega 3 essential satisfied by breastfeeding mothers," said Rita.

Besides good for the kids, the nutrients found in fish like salmon iodine, protein, selenium, omega 3, vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin B12 are also excellent for pregnant and lactating women consumed.

Eat 2-3 servings of salmon processed each week for optimal results. Importantly, do not forget to choose fish that are still fresh and free from contamination.

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