Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunlight to Make Drivers Face Left Older Than Right Side

Jakarta, good sun exposure to increase vitamin D levels that are beneficial to the body. But on the other hand, can make the generated radiation damaged skin. For example in the case of a man who left his face look older than his right side.

Driver's Face
Scientific journal The New England Journal of Medicine published a shocking photo depicting the face of a 69-year-old man. The man who worked as a truck driver this experience dermatoheliosis unilateral, ie severe skin damage caused by ultraviolet light exposure on one side of the face.

Face of the left side of the unnamed driver was experiencing premature aging, or aging prematurely, because sun-damaged. Ultraviolet A rays cause is penetrating the driver's side window. Although the windows are closed tightly each day, the sun can still penetrate.

As reported by the New York Daily News, Sunday (07/07/2013), the man driving a delivery truck since 28 years ago. During that time, ultraviolet A rays penetrate window glass and on the left side of her face throughout the day, thus damaging the outer layers and sub-layers of the skin.

Not only that, he also had thickening and sagging skin are broad because the elastic fibers in the left side of his face was crushed. Although there were no skin cancer, dermatoheliosis specific mutations known to be associated with that can lead to melanoma, a type of skin cancer.

Place the driver on a vehicle in Europe is generally located on the left, in contrast to Asian vehicle wheel on the right. This is why the face is damaged on the driver is on the left. While the right side of the face that is always on the inside of the truck is not directly exposed to sunlight, so no damage.

According to doctors, the condition experienced by men like Favre-Racouchot syndrome, which is a skin disease characterized by white lumps or cysts and large lumps of meat, as well as blackheads. To prevent further damage, men are advised to use sun block, topical retinoids and undergo regular checkups to monitor the onset of skin cancer.

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