Friday, July 19, 2013

If less Vitamin D, Physical Disorders in Old Age Will Looms

Whatever the form, vitamin D is one of the supplements that you need to maintain healthy bones and muscles. Moreover, a new study finds lack of vitamin D can lead to physical disorders when someone stepped on old age.

The study, published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism reveals that the elderly are deficient in vitamin D more likely to have at least one functional disorders such as can not walk around in the house alone compared to those whose intake of vitamin D is adequate.

"Elderly that vitamin D levels are low are more likely to experience limited mobility and decreased physical function over time. Moreover, the elderly who have these limitations more often end up in a nursing home and face a greater risk of death," said lead researcher Evelien Sohl of the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam as reported by CBSNews, Friday (07/19/2013).

Moreover, the researchers revealed that 90 percent of seniors having vitamin D deficiency Though vitamin D works to help build bone and muscle and prevent bone diseases such as osteoporosis effects. Vitamin D itself can be obtained from sun exposure or foods such as cod liver oil, fatty fish, jejamuran, egg yolks, and liver. This vitamin is also commonly added to milk.

The conclusion obtained by researchers after observing 762 elderly aged between 65-88 years and compared with participants with younger age (55-65 years) as many as 597 people. Each participant was observed for six years as part of the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam.

Researchers also asked participants the ability to perform normal activities such as sitting, standing after sitting or walking on the street for five minutes without stopping.

Of blood tests also revealed high levels of vitamin D each participant and based on the levels of vitamin D in the body, participants were divided into three groups. For the elderly group, participants who reported the lowest levels of vitamin D likely 1.7 times more likely to have at least one limitation of physical activity than participants whose vitamin D levels are highest.

But when he saw the group of younger participants, those with vitamin D is at least two times more likely to have difficulty to perform at least one daily activity levels than those whose vitamin D it most.

Not only that, additional physical disorders are more common where three years later in the elderly group with the lowest vitamin D levels and six years in the group of younger participants.

"These findings indicate low levels of vitamin D in the elderly could be contributing to the decline in their ability to perform daily activities and live independently. Use of supplements may be considered to help prevent the decline, but this idea seems to need to be more profound," Sohl closed.

Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health, the U.S. itself has long recommended that adults aged 51-70 years to obtain vitamin D intake of 600 IU per day, and adults aged 70 years and over to get 800 IU per day.

Sports To Sweating, Stroke Risk Down 20 Percent

Australia, Sultry and sweating. That's the 'side effects' that is felt when a person is determined to exercise during the day or in the summer. But a study revealed that work up a sweat can reduce the risk of stroke by 20 percent.

After observing more than 27,000 participants from the United States aged 45 years on average for 5.7 years, researchers found that people who do not actively exercise 20 percent greater chance of having a stroke or mini stroke than people who exercise with moderate or severe intensity to sweat as much as four times a week.

But it seems this condition was significant only in men. Because among the participants were men, only those who exercise four times a week with intensity or lebihlah who have a lower risk of stroke. While for the female participants, the link between stroke risk with physical activity frequency not so clear.

"The benefits of physical activity can reduce the risk of stroke is apparently due to the impact of those activities on the actual risk factors for stroke," said researcher Dr. Michelle McDonnell, who teaches Health Sciences at the University of South Australia, as reported by the Daily Mail, Friday (19/07/2013).

"Because exercise can lower blood pressure, reduce weight and prevent diabetes. Fact like the sport it is a pill, then you only need to take one pill 4-5 only to treat different health problems," he added.

These findings are similar to results of previous studies that found that physical inactivity is a risk factor of stroke after both high blood pressure.

But researchers warn if they make conclusions based solely on self-report data from the participants about the frequency of their exercise, not how long participants in physical activity a day. Although the participants themselves are divided by the same relative amount of both blacks and whites and men and women, with the majority of participants are from the 'Stroke Belt' in the American southeast.

"We can say how much additional risk for any stroke you that you reduce the consumption of cigarettes or any point decrease in blood pressure that you are experiencing, but we still need more studies to ascertain the amount of exercise a person's risk of stroke alone," added McDonnell

The study has been published in the journal Stroke.

Three Solution For Sensitive Teeth

Problem of sensitive teeth make sufferers feel short sharp pain when eating foods / beverages, are in cold weather even when brushing your teeth. But apparently 92% of people with sensitive teeth do not know what the actual cause.

The sense of pain caused by the loss of the protective outer layer of the teeth which makes open dentin. So sensation when eating / drinking hot / cold will reach tooth nerve then cause a sense of pain. *

Open dentin can occur due to a decrease in gum. One reason is the wrong way of brushing your teeth or gum disease because of the lack of oral and dental hygiene. Accumulation of plaque in between teeth and gums will become tartar / tartar, the bacteria that cause gum disease breeding.

An estimated 50-90% of people brushing their teeth with excessive pressure that eroded email and open dentin tissue. Sensitive teeth can also be caused by frequent consumption of foods or beverages that contain acidic or high levels of soda.

Did you? According to a survey conducted in 2009 by Pepsodent Synnovate cooperation with research institutes and Faculty of Dentistry, University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia 65% of people have sensitive teeth problems and the largest percentage of sufferers are in the age range of 25-39 years. Unfortunately, 50% of people who suffer from sensitive teeth do not do anything about it.

Use Pepsodent Sensitive Expert to resolve the problem of sensitive teeth down to the roots. Pepsodent Sensitive Expert offers a complete solution to the problem of sensitive teeth with three benefits at once:

Relieve - Pepsodent Sensitive Expert relieve pain in just 30 seconds with the HAP mineral that can fit into an open canal dentin. While the content of Potassium Citrate helps relieve pain.

Repair - The combination of HAP Mineral and Sodium Monoflourophospate help the remineralization process pits invisible holes in the teeth before it becomes severe.

Prevent - Pepsodent Sensitive Expert reduce the risk of tooth sensitivity to problems later on. The content of Zinc Citrate in it inhibits bacterial metabolism and clinically proven to maintain healthy gums.

Entrusting your sensitive teeth problems only on Pepsodent Sensitive Expert. Complete solution to the problem of sensitive teeth.

* Based on a survey conducted Pepsodent, Synovate, Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran, 2009

The Facts about Vitamins and Minerals in The Body that is Worth to Know

Most vitamins and minerals contained in many fruits and vegetables certainly benefit the body as an antioxidant, keeping the body's metabolism and digestive tract. Well, for the consumption of vitamins and minerals you could be optimized further, you should know the facts about vitamins and minerals that your body was getting healthy and fit.

Here are the facts different types of vitamins and minerals in the body, as quoted by Medindia on Friday (07/19/2013):

1. Calcium

Only one percent of the total calcium in the body is necessary for metabolic function, while the remaining 99 percent is used to provide strength and structure of bones and teeth. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body.

Together with phosphorus, calcium to form bones, teeth, and nerve cells. Natural sources of calcium are milk, yogurt, and cheese. But calcium is also contained in canned salmon, sardines with bones, and green leafy vegetables such as broccoli.

2. Potassium

Potassium or potassium plays an important role in the formation of protein and muscle, control of acid-base, and cardiac activity. If the body is deficient in potassium (hypokalemia) can cause muscle weakness, abnormal heart rate, and blood pressure increases.

Potassium is found in meat, fish such as salmon, cod, or sardines. Fruits and vegetables also contain a lot of potassium such as bananas and kiwi.

3. Iron

Iron is an essential mineral for the body with the primary function of oxygen transport, regulation of cell growth, and cell diferesiansi. Two-thirds of the amount of iron contained in the hemoglobin in the body. Babies absorb approximately 50 percent of the iron in formula milk while only 12 percent absorbed. Iron deficiency in infants cause bleeding in cernanya channel.

Heme and non-heme iron adalam two forms. Foods such as red meat, fish, and poultry are good sources to get heme iron. While the non-heme iron can be obtained from the nuts. Adults absorb about 15-35 percent of heme iron and 2-20 percent of non heme iron.

Iron deficiency may limit the supply of oxygen to the cells that lead to fatigue, poor performance, and decrease the body's immune system. However, too much iron is also harmful to the body. WHO estimates that 41.8 percent of pregnant women worldwide suffer from anemia caused by iron deficiency.

4. Vitamin A

Preformed vitamin A and provitamin A are different types of vitamin A. Preformed vitamin A are found mainly in fish, poultry, and dairy. While pro-vitamin A found in many fruits, vegetables, and vegetable products.

5. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 plays a role in the formation of red blood cells, DNA synthesis, and improve the function of the nervous system. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause megaloblastic anemia, fatigue, weakness, constipation, loss of appetite, and weight loss. Can even cause numbness and tingling in the hands and feet.

6. Vitamin C

As we all know, vitamin C is found in fruits and vegetables such as oranges, broccoli, apples, strawberries, melon, baked potatoes, and tomatoes. Requirement of vitamin C 35 mg greater for smokers, including those who are exposed to secondhand smoke.

7. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is essential to boost the immune system, dilate blood vessels and prevent blood clots. Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, nuts, green vegetables, and whole grains. Vitamin E and C acts as an antioxidant that helps prevent cell damage caused by free radicals.

The Longevity Secrets Based on How Much Someone Plate contents

If you want to live long, do not even think to eat a little more. Because the study found to extend the life, a person must eat less.

The old adage says that a good diet is more healing than a doctor.
But it turns out it is not just a saying. Quoted from AsiaOne, Friday
(07/19/2013), has no scientific evidence to show how cutting calories can help extend the life.

However, scientific research published in Nature Communications, on Tuesday, could provide a new explanation. Calorie restriction can encourage the growth of intestinal bacteria associated with increased life span in mice, according to the news of a scientific magazine.

Chinese researchers gave mice a high-fat diet and low-fat, some are given as much food as they want (free-feeding), while others were under caloric restriction (only given 70 percent of the food groups of free-feeding).

The results showed that the calorie restriction group and the low-fat live longer. While rats are eating high fat foods as much as they want even shorter-lived.

Analysis of mouse droppings showed that beneficial bacteria correlated positively with life span and enriched by caloric restriction, while bacteria are negatively correlated with life span is reduced by restrictions.

"Scientific research has pointed to results that calorie restriction increases life span, but the unanswered questions are why and how," said Zhao Liping, as professor of microbiology specialist at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, who led the study.

"So this study provides a new perspective to explain the relationship between caloric restriction and life span, that calorie restriction may give effect to the change of intestinal bacteria," he added.

In 1935, U.S. biochemist and nutritionist Clive M. McCay showed that calorie restriction increases life span of mice, triggering further research and experiments in the field.

Then, the relationship between calorie restriction and longevity were tested on yeast, zebra, fish, spiders, dogs, monkeys and orangutans.

Zhao said, "Although we found no relationship between caloric intake, intestinal bacteria, bacterial, and life span, this is clearly not the only factor that determines the life span."

"On the other hand, we are still not sure about how calorie restriction mechanism to change the bacteria. So we had a project in this direction," added Zhao.