Sunday, July 7, 2013

Crazy, Man In The UK and The U.S. and Endeavor Voluntary HIV Infected ?

London, At the moment scientists around the world attempt to treat HIV infection that causes AIDS are deadly, some people in the UK and the U.S. and would like to volunteer instead contracted the disease. In fact, this action turned into a horrible trend called 'bug chaser'.

According to one British citizen who voluntarily acquire HIV, call Nick (30), there are hundreds of men have been meeting in online forums, Facebook and Twitter to find and spread HIV. This trend began in the U.S. as an unusual way to get sexual satisfaction.

As reported by the Daily Mirror, Monday (08/07/2013), Nick said that in online forums, many people who meet and try to transmit the deadly virus. In fact, some bug chaser claim this dangerous disease even improve the quality of life of having to take medication regularly.

"I feel fit as a fiddle. Was full of energy and I feel healthier because of taking medicine. Liver function I checked every 3 months, my cholesterol checked regularly and my many general health checkup so that if there is a strange condition, I immediately knew," said Nick the day-to-day work as the admin of this company.

Ironically, Nick from the Midlands city admitted that he get the medical examination obtained free of charge at government health centers of Britain or the National Health Service (NHS).

In 2012, a total of 73 659 people in the UK being treated for HIV infection. As many as 43 percent of whom are gay or bisexual. This figure has increased 58 percent over the last 10 years. In the same year, the British government spent 840 million pounds, or around Rp 12.4 trillion for the treatment of HIV with an average of 10,000 pounds or approximately USD 148 million per patient.

"This practice is very scary and very irresponsible. What we see, the more there are many cases of treatment failure and rapidly declining health conditions," said Simon Prytherch of the Elton John Aids Foundation.

In the U.S., this phenomenon is believed first appeared in 1999. Investigations conducted by Rolling Stone magazine in 2003 claimed, a quarter of all new HIV infections in the U.S. related to the phenomenon of the rise of the bug chaser.

In the UK, a similar inquiry or investigation has not been done. But a Facebook group created to facilitate the bug chaser has been like by 1,172 people. While in the U.S., a site that became the meeting point of people infected with the bug chaser has had more than 5,000 members.

Nick who contracted HIV while in 2011 it had joined the site about 2 years ago. In order to catch the disease, he admitted having unprotected sex with more than 1,000 men, most of whom he knew HIV positive.

When first diagnosed with HIV, Nick wrote on his Facebook "Tested positive on 21st September and totally loving it! Wanna share with any chasers, CD4 is 971, VL 100,000 - nice and toxic!" or means "Tested positive on September 21 and absolutely loved it! Want to share with the hunter, his CD4 971, VL 100,000 - good and poisonous"!

CD4 count refers to the number of white blood cells, whereas VL stands for 'viral load' which indicates how likely a person will transmit the virus to others. Viral Load on the figure of 100,000 as of very high transmission. Since diagnosis, Nick admitted that he had unprotected sex with 20 men.

Meanwhile, The Terence Higgins Trust, a charity concerned with the issue of HIV / AIDS response that although only a small percentage of people who participate in this dangerous activity, they recommend to gay and bisexual men to protect themselves from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections with wear a condom.

1 comment:

    last year, i was tested HIV positive and ever since then i have been
    spending money all over getting drugs from different hospitals. It
    affected my career and my job, I was waiting for death to come and take
    me because i was so powerless. One faithful day, i saw a blog on the
    internet about how a certain Dr. Mohammed healed a lady of herpes . I carried
    out a little research and found out that he has helped hopeless people
    to cure their HIV and other diseases. So I contacted him through this
    he prepared and sent a powerful herbs to me, he told me how to use it.
    To my greatest surprise, after i patiently went through the treatment as
    instructed by Dr. Mohammed, i went for a medical test and the result was
    negative. I thought it was a joke, so i decided to go for another test
    in a different hospital and again they confirmed me HIV negative. Even
    my medical doctor was confused, he said he has never seen this kind of a
    miracle before. I really want to thank DR. Mohammed for saving my life, I
    never believed that I will be HIV negative today, I am grateful Sir. If
    you are having HIV, DIABETES, ASTHMA, HPV, HERPES or any illness please
    contact him now through his email: or through WHATSAPP +2349036036397.
