Sunday, July 7, 2013

Salmon Fish Mercury Containing Hazardous to Health, Really?

Jakarta, Nutrition in the flesh of fish are known to help the optimal growth and brain development of children, one of them in salmon. That said, salmon dangerous for health because it contains mercury. Is this true?
Salmon Fish 
"The fish containing mercury is consumed by humans should not because it could be a bad influence on health. However, are not included in the salmon fish that contain high mercury," said Rita Ramayulis, DCN, Kes, nutrition expert.

This was revealed by Rita in talk show 'Mom & Me: The Facts and Myths Salmon', which was held in the Atrium Senayan City, Jl Asia Afrika, Jakarta, Saturday (07/06/2013).

According to Rita, it is just a myth. Salmon is one fish that has mercury levels are very low, so it is safe to be consumed every day.

"The myths about the salmon was widely circulated among the people. So salmon meat consumption is still very low. Though salmon are not dangerous," said Rita.

Salmon, salmon fishing in particular kinds of Norway, said Rita contain vitamin D which is very good for children. Therefore, Norway is known for having a cold water environment makes a bigger fish than salmon salmon that live in water with normal temperature.

"Norwegian salmon is also good to be consumed by various means of processing. Because vitamin D is found in salmon Norway remains the same even if consumed raw or cooked," said Rita who is now active as a lecturer in the Department of Nutrition Health Polytechnic Jakarta II.

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