Monday, July 8, 2013

If Mother Depression, Just Leave Your Son to Day Care For While

Jakarta, Depression not only can hurt a woman's mental life, but also affect the condition of the family, especially his children. Moreover, if the age of the child is still too young. But a new study says this can be resolved by entrusting the child to day care first, if the mother is depressed 'relapse'.


The conclusion was obtained after investigators observed symptoms of emotional distress on 1,759 children aged between five months and five years (such as anxiety when separated from her parents and inability to socialize with other children) after a 17-month-old participants. Researchers also followed the mothers of the participants and look for the symptoms of depression that possessed these mothers, in addition to observe whether the participants are often cared for by relatives, in addition to use of services entrusted to the babysitter or day care.

Once adjusted to the statistical results are not affected other factors, researchers found that only 12 percent of children of mothers who did not have depression with symptoms of emotional distress. But the figure rose to 32 percent among children whose mothers were depressed and did not routinely receive care from anyone, except from his own mother.

This was stated researcher Catherine Herba, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Quebec, Montreal. "Even so, the figure dropped to seven percent among children whose mothers were depressed but they were placed in day care. While children whose mothers were depressed but cared for by relatives or a babysitter emotional distress decreased down to 15-18 percent," said Herba as reported by WebMD, Thursday (06/20/2013).

Responding to the study, Susan Campbell, a professor of psychology at the University of Pittsburgh, USA explains, "Although it's difficult to understand how depression influences a mother to her children, but mothers are depressed are more likely to wash their hands, inconsistent, negative thinking, lack of responsiveness and not show warmth and support as well as mothers who did not have depression to his children. "

But it seems by Campbell, day care can provide toys, activities and opportunities for children whose mothers were depressed to socialize with other children while they try to avoid the effects of depression experienced by her mother for a moment.

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