Saturday, July 6, 2013

Ageless and Keep the Weight Loss With Cup of Tea

For some people, tea is often used as a drink in the morning or as a pastime drink. Since thousands of years, tea has been widely consumed by people from different parts of the world. Studies show that behind the tiny packaging, tea has the miraculous wonders for health.

Here are the great benefits of tea, as quoted by the Huffington Post, Friday (07/05/2013):

1. Guard aids weight loss
Green tea extract can inhibit the Establishment of fat in the body. Based on the study in the journal Obesity in 2011, rats fed a high-fat diet and green tea weight gain tends to be slower than mice that were not given green tea.

To get the green tea, you should avoid bottled green tea in a bottle because it might have got a lot of added sugar. To get a healthy green tea, green tea brewed quite naturally with boiling water.

2. Better eyesight
A 2010 study found that components of green tea positively affect the eye tissue, particularly with regard to the retina. Therefore, the consumption of green tea, then oxidative stress in the eye, causing the eye susceptible to disease, can be minimized.

3. Ageless
White tea can help you look younger because white tea contains polyphenols that high. In one study, white tea extract can increase the production of elastin and collagen which is useful untukk inhibit any wrinkles. White tea also contains antioxidants and can keep young joints in the body.

4. Reduce Stress
A study has shown that black tea can reduce stress hormone levels in the study participants. Black tea can also lower blood pressure, you know. The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that consuming black tea for six months, can lower systolic blood pressure. In 2012, there was a study that found that the caffeine in tea can reduce the risk of diabetes membanttu overall.

5. Strengthens the heart
Green tea may help improve endothelial function, making your heart stronger. However, remember, do not add milk to tea if you want to get the maximum benefits of tea. This is because the casein in milk actually reduce the cardioprotective benefits you can get from the tea.

Well, for those of you who have not been accustomed to drinking tea, it is never too late to get used to drinking tea. Try different types, flavors, and brands of teas for tea-mate find you.

Much Drinking Water Can Accelerate Weight Loss

It is said to increase the intake of water before eating food can increase satiety. That is why a study says people who are on a diet and consume more water faster, faster weight down.

Originally Rebecca Muckelbauer, a researcher from the Berlin School of Public Health, Charité University Medical Center Berlin, Germany and led a review of this claim as a researcher in the field of nutrition, people often ask him whether they should drink water to lose weight and in fact he do not know anything about it.

Drinking Water, Weight Loss Faster

To that end, Muckelbauer and his colleagues decided to observe the entire study related to body weight and water consumption. And there are 11 studies that fit the desired criteria researchers. Even three of which showed that increased water intake in dieters proven to accelerate weight loss.

One was conducted by Brenda Davy, an associate professor from Virginia Tech, USA. This study found that the middle-aged and elderly people who drank two glasses of water before meals to lose weight about 1.8 pounds more than those who do not drink extra water.

Meanwhile, another study says women who increase water consumption when the diet will lose more extra weight than women who consumed only one liter of water per day below.

Even so, none of the studies that can explain how water helps the people in these studies to lose weight.

But according to Davy, "The water can reduce hunger. And it might help them reduce their calorie intake."

Muckelbauer also agreed that increased satiety is the most plausible explanation behind this finding. Another possibility is a condition called "thermogenesis induced by water '.

"So it's own drinking water increases the release of the body's energy or water is also known to have the effect of energy consumption.'s Just that not many researchers observed," said Muckelbauer as reported by Reuters on Friday (07/05/2013).

However, from a survey conducted Muckelbauer known that people who drink more water is not necessarily more slender than that not a lot of drinking water.

In fact, some people who are obese or overweight are indeed consume more water than those with ideal weight.

"We have no evidence to conclude that increasing water intake will lose weight, but there are other benefits gained if we drink more water. Among decreased risk of diabetes and kidney stones," said Davy.

Findings Muckelbauer and his colleagues have published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Want to Streamline Thigh, Women Dies After This fact Suck Fat

Liposuction is one of the procedures that become an option for many obese people without thinking of any side effects or after effects they do. Not once or twice due to this action many patients are dying on the operating table.

As quoted from AsiaOne, Friday (07/05/2013) in Singapore woman has died from liposuction. 44-year-old mother who has two teenage children was rushed to the hospital when he collapsed at the clinic after a cosmetic procedure to get rid of belly fat and also to create a more beautiful thigh.

An SCDF spokesman said he received a call at about 2:55 pm last Friday and an ambulance was eventually sent to the clinic and then paramedics arrived around 3. The woman then quickly transferred to a stretcher SCDF paramedics and they took over cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and brought to the Singapore General Hospital but unfortunately his life was saved.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Health (MOH) said that he was aware of this case and now he was sure the facts of the case. It is said when the ministry is investigating cases of death from liposuction.

Why, death is the second death due to liposuction after case the owner of a property company, Franklin Heng died because the doctor gave him too much sedative during liposuction surgery. Victor Yeo, an inspector from the state saying that Franklin was given large doses of propofol, propofol is the same sedative that killed pop singer Michael Jackson.

Effect of the drug is almost as general anesthesia to prevent a backlash from Franklin. And when it turned out the doctor had injected 13 times puncture the intestines Franklin and this is what caused her death.

This procedure has been performed at Reves Clinic in Orchard Road on December 30, 2009. When was Franklin who was undergoing liposuction procedures to react to pain and he started to move his hands and because the reaction drugged her doctor back then did not realize that Franklin suffered injuries.

Dr Jim Wong, who performed the surgery had gone to the toilet and rest for 5 minutes after the operation lasted 20 minutes. However, once again he could not wake Franklin whose body has turned into pale and do not respond at all.

Finally, Dr. Jim called an ambulance and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Franklin then taken to Tan Tock Seng Hospital where he eventually died. Franklin himself died from the effects of asphyxia because he can not support his own breathing.

Tips How to Take Care of Your Teeth In order not to be Yellow

Sweet smile with white teeth and healthy would be the desire of many people. Unfortunately, lazy brushing teeth, smoking and certain foods can make your teeth yellow. So as not to interfere with your smile, there are some steps that can be done so that no yellowing teeth.

Teeth Treatment

Teeth can turn yellow due to plaque which is basically a dirty layer that settles permanently on the teeth. As you age, tooth enamel erodes and then begin to absorb food color.

Beverages such as tea and coffee can leave stains on teeth. Yellowing teeth can be prevented if you do the following specific steps, as reported Boldsky, Friday (07/05/2013):

1. Brush with mustard oil and salt

Brush your teeth with mustard oil and salt once a month. This will help clean the food color and plaque accumulation on the teeth. You can use your fingers to brush or cotton dipped in a mixture of mustard oil and salt.

2. Drink with a straw

Some foods such as tea and coffee can leave stains on teeth. Certain soda beverages also make tooth enamel to erode. So if you can not avoid these drinks, it is best to drink through a straw. Drink with a straw to minimize contact with teeth. This could be an important step in stopping penguningan teeth.

3. Crunchy food consumption

Some crunchy foods can help to whiten teeth how to clean it. For example, apples, pears, lettuce and others. This fiber foods help to clean teeth effectively.

4. Brush with baking soda

Baking soda is one of the most versatile ingredient in the kitchen. Brush your teeth with baking soda to whiten occasionally directly.

5. Quitting smoking

Smoking is one of the biggest reasons that may yellows the teeth. Chewing gum and mouth wash will not help if you continue to smoke. That's why, stop smoking before your teeth turn yellow dirty.

6. Rinse your mouth after eating

Every time you eat something, rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Rinsing the mouth can sweep the accumulation of food and food color of your mouth.

8 Most Scary Hospital in the World

Many hospital buildings storing mystery story that makes hair stand on end. As the name implies, this house is a place where sick people seeking help, some of which helped but some had died.

There are many things that make the hospital a place attractive to be shooting a horror movie. Old buildings, the morgue to the hospital ward has an impressive atmosphere spooky atmosphere. Not surprisingly, a lot of strange stories popping up.

As reported by Verse List, Friday (07/05/2013), here are 8 hospitals in the world's most sinister :

1. Beechworth Lunatic Asylum in Australia

Formerly known as Mayday Hills Lunatic Asylum, Beechworth has been operating as a mental hospital for 128 years until it closed in 1995. The hospital had 1,200 patients at once. There are many reports of mysterious deaths and disappearances there.

In the laboratory, there is a jar containing body parts that adorn shelves throughout the room. But this jars vanish when the fire in 1950. Overall, nearly 9,000 patients died there, including a young girl who was thrown from the window. This place is now better known as the ghost tour.

2. Taunton State Hospital in Massachusetts, USA

The hospital was built in 1854 as a mental hospital that has a dark history. One of the famous patient was Jane Toppan, a serial killer who killed at least 31 people while working as a nurse. But reportedly, manager of the hospital's crazier than his patients.

Rumor has it that the doctors and nurses transporting patients to the basement and use it in a satanic ritual. Until now, patients and physicians feel uncomfortable when approached the basement door. Many who saw the shadow of a man crawling on the wall.

3. Athens Mental Hospital in Ohio, U.S.

The hospital was founded in 1874 and over the years has esktrim treatment techniques. In the 1950s, the hospital treated more than 1,800 patients and is famous for his skull surgical procedures. When operating, information about the patient strictly confidential. 

Need special permission from the state of Ohio to gain access to it. There are more than 1,900 people were buried in nameless tombstone, marked only with numbers. In 1978, a female patient missing. Her body was found a year later in an abandoned ward. Blood stains on the floor where the body was found still exists today.

4. Severalls Hospital in Britain

Severalls Hospital in Colchester, England has a haunted reputation because it is known as a mental hospital who likes to experiment skull surgery and psychiatry such as electroshock therapy. Opened in 1913, this hospital is suspected of a deadly psychiatric care.

This place used to be referred as a treatment for people who are moody or wayward teenagers, as well as the disposal of women who gave birth to an illegitimate child due to being raped. The hospital closed in 1997 and left untreated.

5. Ararat Lunatic Asylum in Australia

Building built in 1867 was once the largest mental hospital in Australia. During the 130 years of operation, there were 13,000 psychiatric patients who died there. Perhaps this is why this place is considered as one of the most haunted places in Australia.

Was closed in 1998, the building was reopened three years later by Northern Melbourne Institute of Technical and Further Education as a campus of the Australian College of Wine. Until now, ghost sightings are still common, even used as a tourist.

6. Old Changi Hospital in Singapore

Built in 1935, Old Changi Hospital is famous as one of the most haunted sites in Singapore. The building was originally known as the Air Force hospital, and then used by the Japanese as a prison. When that building was transformed into a place of torture.

Many people claim to see ghostly apparitions are believed to be victims of Japan. This building was then abandoned and ceased operations since 1997. Many visitors who have strange stories, began hearing voices or followed up to see spirits.

7. Nocton Hall Hospital in Britain

Unlike most other hospitals, Nocton Hall was the home of luxury. When World War I broke out, the house was used by U.S. forces to treat the wounded and used again during World War II and the Gulf War as a military hospital.

After experiencing a fire, the building was abandoned in 1995. Many people who had lived there said she heard the sound of crying young girl who mysteriously. That said, this girl haunts a room in a way to wake the occupants promptly at 4:30 am and then manifest themselves.

8. Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong Hospital Psychiatry

Sai Ying Pun is a psychiatric hospital built in 1892. Originally used as a residence nurses, but reportedly used as a Japanese soldier executed during World War II. When it was abandoned in the 1970s, strange rumors began to circulate.

Many strange stories, ranging from a woman cries, shouts and clamor, mysterious footsteps, until the evil male figure on the second floor make this place dubbed as the High Street Ghost House. Currently, Sai Ying Pun used as a community center several charitable organizations.

More Than 62 Percent Mother Love To Discuss Breast Cancer Test Results with Children

After undergoing check-ups or tests of certain diseases, women always tell the results on those closest to in order to get support. A single study says mothers who have recently undergone breast cancer tests rather discuss the results with their children.

The study involved 221 women who had recently undergone tests to determine the presence or absence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations, which can increase the risk of breast cancer in a person.

Sure enough, a month after receiving the results of the test, 62 percent of participants admitted telling the test results to their children (age range from 8 to 21 years). But this is the case if the results came back negative or inconclusive, and if the children have aged 13 years and over.

"The test results were negative mothers seen as 'good news' so as to reduce the worries of her children," said researcher Kenneth Tercyak, director of the prevention research center behavior of Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown University, USA.

"Instead women who do not share the test results with their children think that their children not old enough to examine the information. They may decide to share the information if the time is right," he added.

From there Tercyak and his colleagues concluded that a number of factors into consideration to decide to tell parents their children related information such as test results or not cancer include: age or maturity level of the child, whether the parents have been involved in similar conversations before or not (perhaps brother from cancer-related deaths), and whether the children asking several questions about the risk of cancer as well as their own parents.

"It's not about right and wrong, it is the choice of each family to decide what they should do and when. But clearly this is not an easy choice," said Tercyak as reported by Huffingtonpost, Friday (05/07/2013).

But the same study also found that mothers who share test results with their children's feeling more satisfied with the decision, than mothers who remain keep the information confidential.

Noteworthy is the children who had mothers with BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutations 50 percent higher risk for inheriting the same mutation. "So maybe the mothers worry if they discuss their cancer risk will cause the child anxious or nervous, let alone no prevention options they can do," added Tercyak.