Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Children dress up Ala High School, Mother Substitute Son Follow English Test

Paris, legitimate parents help their children learn. When children have difficulty doing homework (homework), then the parent can provide assistance. But if the child does not master any of the subjects and the parents then become 'jockey' to test her, certainly can not be justified.

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As did the 52-year-old woman. On the day of her English exam, she was dressed up like a high school student. With models wearing low-rise jeans, Converse sneakers, and thick makeup to cover wrinkles smooth, this mother to 'jockey' his English exam.

Based on reports Le Parisien, the woman identified as Caroline D. Caroline sat with other people and working on 'le bac', final exams for high school students in France to be taken before applying to university. Thus quoted from huffingtonpost, Monday (24/06/2013).

Invigilator saw Caroline looks very suspicious. The officer eventually told school officials and local police. Very slowly, the woman pulled out of the exam room after two hours of the exam. This is done so as not to disturb other examinees.

To the officer, Caroline confessed to cheating. He was forced to do so in an effort to improve her score. Because of his actions, Caroline faces charges of fraud. Meanwhile Caroline also affected children are not allowed to take the exam because the official up to 5 years.

School exams is made mostly school children, especially teenagers who are still unstable, it becomes easy to panic and stress. To help cope with stress by replacing the child's kids not doing the test, but parents should encourage children to set the time, eat and sleep well, exercise, and ask for help when they need it. Parents can also better understand the behavior, mood in times of stress.

Quoted from militaryschoolalternatives, here are some things that parents can do when his teenage son or daughter are facing stress ahead of the exam:

1. Involved in the learning process

Parents need to be involved in the learning process of adolescents. The best thing is just to listen. That teenagers are looking for is your presence, to talk, cry or just to sit with them while learning to be calm. Communicate openly with your teen, to encourage young people to express their concerns and fears, but do not let them focus on fear.

Help support your teen do the best, but try not to push or make her feel that you will be disappointed if he did not do the best thing.

Trying to cram all the information at the last minute will only cause stress your teen. Set realistic targets for learning aids to prevent stress and improve your teen learning process.

2. Provide a quiet atmosphere for learning

Sediakankan place or quiet space for your son or daughter learn. You can also help him learn when he asked her.

3. Provide nutritious foods

It's important for your teenager to eat a healthy and balanced at the time of the exam in order to stay focused and do my best. Stress before the exam can make some teens lose their appetite.

4. Help your child to relax

Make sure your child gets enough sleep before the exam. Make him feel relaxed and calm. Make sure also that he did exercise can reduce stress.

5. Show a positive attitude

Parental attitudes will determine adolescent emotions. If you panic it will make children more depressed and increase stress. Create teens feel welcome and appreciate any effort that does. Most importantly, make sure your teen that everything will be okay, no matter what the outcome.

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