Thursday, July 11, 2013

4 Head Signs Will Be Exposed Migraine Attacks

Illustration - migraine
Generally, migraine attacks are not lethal, but the impact can be very disturbing daily activities. In order not to panic when a sudden migraine attack, it's good to recognize the signs that appear before a migraine coming.

Symptoms that accompany migraine attacks are generally divided into 4 groups based on the time of occurrence, although not everyone experiences the four. For the first time a migraine attack, these stages may be difficult to identify.

Some of the symptoms in each phase of migraine is as follows as quoted from Huffingtonpost, Thursday (07/11/2013).

1. Prodrome Phase

The earliest stage of the migraine attack can appear 12-24 hours before the actual attack. At this stage, 60 percent of migraine sufferers have complaints such as diarrhea or constipation, increased appetite, trouble concentrating, irritable, restless, stiff muscles (especially in the neck), evaporated continues, more frequent urination, fatigue, depression or even euphoria.

2. Aura Phase

Headache next start will be felt in the second phase of the aura. Not all the experience, but an estimated 1 in 5 people will get through the migraine aura lasting 5-60 minutes. Symptoms include tingling in the arms, legs or face. Sometimes be accompanied by slurred speech and confusion.

3. Actual Attack Phase

In this phase, symptoms are most often experienced is the increased sensitivity to light, sound or even smell. Pain in the head will increasingly be exposed to a variety of stimuli such as. Unfortunately according to the Mayo Clinic, this attack can last up to 72 hours.

4. Phase Posdrome

Soon after migraine attack passed, the patient will experience this phase. Mark assortment, each person may experience different things. Most will experience fatigue such as running out of energy, some even feel the excitement. Some others felt dizzy and foggy.

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