Monday, July 8, 2013

Fat and Have No Lover, Men's Cuts Weight 31 Kg in 5 Months

Jakarta, Ben Davis (21), has a great body with the weight reached 127 kg. With this weight, he would not have to worry lover. Until finally he managed to lose weight in 5 months.

 Young men who came from Rochford, Essex, has been often drew boos since the school. During that time he felt awkward and shy to say hello to the girls in the school, as reported by the Daily Mail, Monday (07/08/2013).

Not only when walking, Ben often run out of breath while climbing stairs. This is what also makes it often teased by his friends. Even so, this does not make it necessarily intend to keep his diet, especially for weight loss.

After finishing school, Ben is still often went out at night with her friends and eating at fast food restaurants. Ben always choose to eat at places like McDonald's. In addition, he is also very fond of chocolate and fried foods.
This bad habit growing to make weight. Even so, his flight back to the foods that are not healthy. Ben was not able to pull himself out of an unhealthy lifestyle.

"I feel I can not help myself. I still eat foods that I know are not healthy and do not do any sports," said Ben.

"My breasts can even be fairly large. Felt ashamed every time I would go swimming. I do not want people to see me," he continued.

His cousin then invited to present to a bodybuilding show. Ben is very interested, but he realizes that he can not form his body if he is not to lose weight first. He then capturing the information on the internet about how to lose weight safely.

Ben also started doing high-protein diet and fitness. In 5 months she managed to lose weight 31 kg. At that time, Ben began to seriously want to lose weight and she slowly learned more about diet and nutrition. He stopped eating fast food, chocolate, sweets, and all kinds of fried food.

One day, Ben attended a family party. At the party, he met a girl named Fern (18). The girl who is now training to be a hairdresser was approached Ben and reveals how he was attracted to Ben. This would make Ben feel awkward and unsure. Because all his life he had never even dealt with a girl.

"I could not believe it when Fern said that he saw me as someone who is healthy. Though I actually hate my own body and I do not understand how could he be interested in me," said Ben.

Although Ben felt like it, in fact Fern thought that Ben was amazing. After they chatted at the party, Fern felt very comfortable around Ben. After that conversation, Ben shows a photo of himself when he was fat, but it did not change the view of Fern against him. Both are very attracted to each other.

Now, Ben and Fern a more serious relationship. Both are like each other's personalities and Ben are now beginning to believe myself. He began to set the intention to keep the weight remains normal with a healthy lifestyle and keep doing bodybuilding exercises.

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