Sunday, July 7, 2013

What To Do When Looking At Person Having Heart Disease?

Indonesia, heart attacks often occur suddenly and can be fatal. Patients must race against time to save his life. In urban areas are often jammed, traffic condition often becomes an obstacle. So what can be done when an emergency?

"If the patient into unconsciousness and cardiac arrest ya need CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation). But if there is no previous training, hard. Especially in our (Indonesian), CPR training is almost zero," said Dr. Dick Hanafi, SpJP (K), FIHA , heart specialists in Mother Hospital, Jakarta.

In the event Gathering Medical and Heart Centre Soft Launching Mother held on Mother Hospital, Menteng, Central Jakarta, and was written on Monday (08/07/2013), Dr. Dicky explained that in developed countries, traning CPR is a requirement to receive SIM. In contrast to Indonesia, to obtain the applicant's driver's license was still able to 'shoot'.

"As for the layman, it is generally not much that can be done to save the patient's heart attack, it could make a late handling patient was taken to the proper treatment," said Dr. Dick.

Therefore, Dr. Dick argues that better efforts are focused on finding ways to carry and transport the patient to the hospital as soon as possible. Usually some hospitals have emergency team. This probably needs to be constrained in collaboration with the office in order to get the fast service.

"Implementation of CPR is difficult for the layman. We can prepare oxygen used for initial treatment. So should prepare oxygen in office. Due heart deprived of oxygen, it is expected that no part of the body gets more oxygen faster," he explained.

Giving CPR course is actually very necessary. For the wider community, it is useful because it can be used to help others. Unfortunately, the educational importance of handling emergency patients in Indonesia is still very minimal. But for those who want to practice, can take lessons at the Red Cross and hospitals.

Whereas in cardiac patients, the bottom line is no one can predict how long a patient can survive. If an attack happens quite large, the patient could have died instantly. However, not a few patients who can still be saved, as long as a doctor to get treatment as soon as possible.

"Time is a maximum of 12 hours for those who still survive from a heart attack. Thereafter, permanent damage to his heart so that his life will also be less good," said Dr. Dick.

Best treatment for heart attack patients is under 3 hours, usually because the damage can still be repaired with almost perfect. At 6 hours after the attack, the damage is still small.

"But in the 12 hours, most patients have been exposed to heart failure or a weak heart. So it's not just a matter of saving lives alone. Handling heart if late, to heart failure, heart failure and already congested road a bit, sorry for all patients," said Dr. Dick

1 comment:

  1. Nice article. CPR is really important. We may never know when will emergency comes that is why it is always better to be prepared. If you want to learn more, Visit this website
