Saturday, July 6, 2013

Ageless and Keep the Weight Loss With Cup of Tea

For some people, tea is often used as a drink in the morning or as a pastime drink. Since thousands of years, tea has been widely consumed by people from different parts of the world. Studies show that behind the tiny packaging, tea has the miraculous wonders for health.

Here are the great benefits of tea, as quoted by the Huffington Post, Friday (07/05/2013):

1. Guard aids weight loss
Green tea extract can inhibit the Establishment of fat in the body. Based on the study in the journal Obesity in 2011, rats fed a high-fat diet and green tea weight gain tends to be slower than mice that were not given green tea.

To get the green tea, you should avoid bottled green tea in a bottle because it might have got a lot of added sugar. To get a healthy green tea, green tea brewed quite naturally with boiling water.

2. Better eyesight
A 2010 study found that components of green tea positively affect the eye tissue, particularly with regard to the retina. Therefore, the consumption of green tea, then oxidative stress in the eye, causing the eye susceptible to disease, can be minimized.

3. Ageless
White tea can help you look younger because white tea contains polyphenols that high. In one study, white tea extract can increase the production of elastin and collagen which is useful untukk inhibit any wrinkles. White tea also contains antioxidants and can keep young joints in the body.

4. Reduce Stress
A study has shown that black tea can reduce stress hormone levels in the study participants. Black tea can also lower blood pressure, you know. The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that consuming black tea for six months, can lower systolic blood pressure. In 2012, there was a study that found that the caffeine in tea can reduce the risk of diabetes membanttu overall.

5. Strengthens the heart
Green tea may help improve endothelial function, making your heart stronger. However, remember, do not add milk to tea if you want to get the maximum benefits of tea. This is because the casein in milk actually reduce the cardioprotective benefits you can get from the tea.

Well, for those of you who have not been accustomed to drinking tea, it is never too late to get used to drinking tea. Try different types, flavors, and brands of teas for tea-mate find you.

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